Fude ga Tatsu (筆が立つ - Skillful Writer)

Mar 1, 2019 19:53
Fude ga Tatsu

The Japanese phrase 'fude ga tasu' (筆が立つ) can be used to people who have good writing skills.

'Fude' (筆) is a kind of writing instrument used from old times, and it can be translated as "ink brush" in English.

In addition, 'tatsu' (立つ) usually means "to stand," but it has also several meanings, and here it means "to have a good skill."

That is to say, the literal meaning of 'fude ga tatsu' is that someone has a good skill about an ink brush.

However, note that it does not means that someone can write beautiful characters, but means that someone can write good sentences.


「筆」は古くから使われている筆記具のことで、英語では "ink brush" と訳されます。

また、「立つ」は通常 "to stand" を意味しますが、複数の意味を有しており、ここでは「技能などがすぐれている」ことを意味します。


No. 1 jaycee's correction
  • Fude ga Tatsu (筆が立つ - Skillful Writer)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Fude ga Tatsu
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The Japanese phrase 'fude ga tasu' (筆が立つ) can be used to people who have good writing skills.
  • The Japanese phrase 'fude ga tasu' (筆が立つ) can be used to for people who have good writing skills.
  • 'Fude' (筆) is a kind of writing instrument used from old times, and it can be translated as "ink brush" in English.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • In addition, 'tatsu' (立つ) usually means "to stand," but it has also several meanings, and here it means "to have a good skill."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, the literal meaning of 'fude ga tatsu' is that someone has a good skill about an ink brush.
  • That is to say, the literal meaning of 'fude ga tatsu' is that someone has a good skill about in using an ink brush.
  • However, note that it does not means that someone can write beautiful characters, but means that someone can write good sentences.
  • However, note that it does not mean s that someone can write beautiful characters, but means that someone can write good sentences.
Interesting. Jaycee
Thank you so much for the correction! :)